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Monday, March 4, 2019

Basics of Earning Money From Your Site Or Blog

Beginners Blogger Tutorial
Basics of Earning Money From Your Site Or Blog

So now you will think that how to earn money after you have set up your blog finally.
AdSense by Google is the best advertisement platform from which numerous bloggers are earning lots of dollars, but to do that you have to choose a niche for your blog which will attract more visitors and so that it will increase your revenue/earning from your blog.
You must know that AdSense is very strict with their rules and policies and seems that it will be hard to get approval, but actually nothing is impossible if you work hard with it.

Start writing quality posts with quality contents of your own, and never copy paste other blog contents in your blog which is a violation of rule for AdSense. and before applying for AdSense you must have a look throughout the Google AdSense Program Policies
Now you also need to choose a right theme for your blog because blog structure is the base of of your blog, it ,must look professional so that visitors will be attracted eminently to your blog.
Next you need a top level domain for which you are applying for AdSense like .com, .net or .org, for example it will look like "". You can buy domain directly from Google Domains or other web-hosting providers available on the web.
Remember that before applying for Google AdSense, Your domain must be six months old and also needs minimum 20-30 posts with good quality with well explained categories so that the visitors feel easy and user-friendly when browsing your site, Google AdSense never counts that how many visitors are browsing your blog/site per day, but they will check the quality of your posts/contents before approval.
Also never use copyrighted images within your contents that means copying images from other websites or blog without their legal permission which may result to disapproval of Google AdSense
Some common prohibited contents announced by Google that pages or posts of your blog/site with Google Adsense advertisements cannot publish adult contents, pornography contents, hacking-cracking contents, malware or adware, sales of weapons and ammunition, sales of prescription drugs, illicit drugs, contents that harasses or threatens any individual, group, nationality, race and religion, online sale of alcoholic or tobacco related products. So you need to go well through their program policies before applying. Also you must remember that when you are writing posts, don't make it too small in word count, try to write a post over five-hundred words or more (this is not mandatory),  but also keep in mind that you must have to maintain the quality of your post to get approval.
So choose your favorite niche and start writing quality posts/contents. Success will be yours.

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